Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Secret Life of.... you ever wonder what life would be like if everything you knew to be true were suddenly reversed?

My Dad has several times told me he was in a crisis, like losing his job or life or whatever. (Wow that sounds insensitive.) I guess you'd have to understand our relationship to see why I don't care anymore. So, he told me lastnight he would be getting laid off in March. Why do I feel like it's a case of the little boy who cried wolf? Well, I guess we'll see what happens when March rolls around.

In the mean time, welcome to tax season. I've been running so many errands for my Dad and his co-workers I feel like a rubber band. I have a bunch of signs in the van that I have to go put up at his office today. There is a couple of cute ones, they look like street signs and say "Rebate Dr." and "Pro Filer Pkwy" - although the second one sounds like a show, but it's cute.

I thought I had more to write, but I really don't.

Unless I go back to bragging about how much I'm enjoying playing Anarchy Online for FREE! Man I love free games. -.-

I'm going to go finish digging out my Sims CD's so I have something to do.


Sandra said...

Ummmm ok LOL

As for Anarchy Online, Curt and I are not really into it, we haven't played much at all, just been reading and watching movies LOL