Friday, January 11, 2008

No News

I Miss Idaho

Still no word on the job, I guess I'll be getting dressed Monday and heading out with resumes. How fun!

I miss having adult friends, but we can't seem to get along with the people in this state. We talked briefly to a couple with two kids who lived a couple of doors down from us. For some reason one day they snatched their children bodily back into their apartment to keep them from playing with our kids. Since I wasn't outside, I'll never get the whole story, but they wouldn't allow their children to come out to play with us after that. Screw them anyways, they have a problem with my kids, they have a problem with me---and....then I have a problem with them and it gets really sticky at that point. -.- lol

We've made a choice, and we're sticking to it. We have a plan made out and everything.... It's pretty big news, for me anyways.

We Are Moving Back To Idaho!!!

I'm so excited. We're saving up, making plans, and hopefully we can move soon because Oklahoma is just not working out for us at all!

The kids are so happy to be back in school, and I'm happy they're back in school. Don't get me wrong, they are the reason my little world goes around, but 5 kids in a 3 bedroom apartment over winter break with no yard to play in and no parks nearby? ....ugh I hate this city. Can't wait to move!!!!!!

Anyways, I'm off to put pictures on these keychains Dad bought for Mom and Grandma. They have little LED screens, and were only $17!! Anyways, since I have pictures from my sister's wedding on my laptop I got volunteered for the job.

Have a Yummy Day!


Sandra said...

I'm not even going to say anything because.....I'm SO frigging jealous right now LOL

I want to go to Idaho too *pouts*

Hope you guys do get to move back, Oklahoma hasn't been the greatest place for you all.

Love ya guys,