Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Another year has come around.

So many things have broken our hearts around here this year, and it seems like our very souls are trampled upon. Our spirit is strong yet, and we will make it out of here in one piece and rebuild a life filled with the joy and happiness we once knew. It isn't too far away!

Happy New Year, may it bring everyone the joy and happiness that an optimistic eye on the future sees in store!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I haven't been posting because I really haven't had very much to say. Which is odd because in real life I have a lot to say, just nothing translates well to the internet, as everyone should know.

Today was my husbands 44th birthday. It is the seventh birthday I have spent with him. I made him a delicious stir-fry dinner and we took a nice nap together during the afternoon. That's really about all we did for his birthday this year and it is okay.

This year I have grown in leaps and bounds since moving back in with my family. It really is hard sometimes knowing how much I have changed, and how much they stay the same. Before I met Kelly I would never have considered a long-term relationship something to be proud of. I was carefree and un-attached and I was totally okay with that. Now I don't even remember that girl and I can't imagine living that lifestyle any more.

Last night I spent a long time playing games with Kelly. (Sid Meyer's Civ5 to be exact.) While we were playing midnight finally came and I was so excited because I knew I was the very first person to wish him a happy birthday this year. I spent a nice day with him topped off by a delicious dinner, and just before he went to bed he got a kiss and his last official happy birthday wish from me. This is something I found very exciting, and it made me happy to be able to share that with him, something that I think I've taken for granted in the past.

Yesterday I began the epic adventure of taking each child out to shop for the family. Amaya bought wonderful gifts for her brothers and sister, and even one for the dog. The Dollar Tree is a wonderful store for a tight-budget gift giving season, and I think this little tradition really gives the kids a chance to shine. They are picking the gifts out and wrapping them to give to their family, and I bet they will all have a world of fun with it!

Well, I suppose that about sums it up.