Have I mentioned I'm horrible at keeping up with blogs?
Well.. I want to try again, because I want to document things at least for this month.
Basic updates...Wellllll....Zachary is 11 now. Joshua will be 10 on Thursday, and Amaya will be 5 in April. 5!!! Zachary rolled his eyes at me today, and it made me realize I have gone from being a cool mom to being an "omigod don't drop me off by the door of the school while wearing your sweats and sunglasses!" mom. Hoorah.
Most important, Kelly and I are going to be switching to something called a Paleo Diet - well, our variation of it anyways. Basically we're going to be cutting glutens out of our diet, in hopes that it will help out with his gout and our general health. (Or lack thereof!) Also, getting rid of high fructose corn syrup!
Yesterday for lunch we went to Chelino's, a local Mexican food chain. We both sort of cheated in that we ate flour tortillas, though if we had eaten corn it would've been fine, but we're learning. ;)
Dinner we made steamed rice in my brand new rice cooker (LOVE THAT THING!) along with tilapia in fried up bell peppers, mushrooms, jalapenos and teriyaki sauce. It was deeeelicious, and even though we skipped breakfast I felt like I'd had a satisfying day's worth of food.. Better than that, we had a desert including RedBull and Skittles. (Best thing here...RedBull has caffiene and carbonation, but no high fructose corn syrup like sodas have. Skittles also don't have high fructose corn syrup like so many candies have today!)
We also did a bit of research, seems we can buy Coca-Cola from Mexico made out of real sugar and not high fructose corn syrup, which has been linked to Leptin resistance...I'll post more on this later.
Today we had for dinner fried up rice with bacon, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, jalapenos and green onions. I would never have thought it possible to ENJOY making rice. Let me tell you it's one thing I mess up so much. I either make it into mush, or mush with crunchy pits. I never thought a simple machine would change this for me, but my rice cooker is my new hero. -.-
We aren't going on a hard-core Paleo diet, because that would mean cutting out all grains and legumes and replacing them with animal protein. Clearly this is going to be an expensive thing to do, and we don't have the resources for it right now. High hopes for cutting out the glutens though, anything to help Kelly's gout will make us happier. :)
If anyone has gluten free recipes - or ideas on how to add more Omega Fatty Acids to a diet, I'd loooove to have them!! :)
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