Monday, April 12, 2010

Amaya is 5!!

Today is Amaya's 5th birthday!

I worked all weekend, and since I worked last night I thought I would just stay up all day and spend time with Amaya and Kelly for her birthday and catch up on sleep later. This has proven to be a horrible idea, as I've made Kelly sick by feeding him large quantities of wheat in the past 3 days. So he's been in bed, and I've been running around with Amaya like a zombie!

Anyways, we made Amaya's cake. She made a lot of decisions regarding this sad sad lookin (but oh-so-yummy!) cake. First off, she chose a "pink" cake - strawberry Betty Crocker- yay! I got to pick the frosting ingredients. (whew!)

2 packages Philly Cream Cheese
4 tablespoons Ricotta Cheese
8 oz heavy whipping cream
1 1/3 cup sugar
2 small cartons of fresh strawberries!

After whipping the cream with the sugar until Amaya demanded that I stop (still runny, sigh!) I added in the Ricotta and sliced strawberries. (I only used about 3/4 of the strawberries, because I had intended to use the last of them to decorate, but she nixed that idea at the last minute in favor of sprinkles.) I also used my mom's SLAPCHOP to puree some of the strawberries into this yummy bright red salsa looking moosh! Anyways, added the strawberries and cream cheese to the mix, and poured it over the mis-shapen cake that I was forbidden from in any way sculpting. It looks like a huge pile of pink mess, but man it's good! :D

Thus, the name: Strawberry Avalanche

Perhaps if I ever make this again I'll be able to make the topping a bit thicker, and it will look better. ;)

Also, the birthday girl picked "Clown Sandwiches" for her birthday dinner. When I asked her at the store what I needed to buy to make her birthday dinner she replied: "bread, beef jerky, and clowns." We're going to settle for lunch meat, but if she ever asks--it's clown meat.


Sandra said...

Oh that looks good....YUM.

Happy Belated Birthday to Amaya :)