Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Weather

For anyone who keeps up with weather reports around the country...

...Most of Oklahoma had fun lastnight. There was a tornado about 2 miles from my mom and dad's house lastnight. It tore up houses, threw power out because of hitting relay stations and whatnot...

....anyway, I had worked for about 12 hours yesterday, some at work and some doing laundry at mom's. When I got home I was so tired, I glared at the blaring storm alerts and told Kelly to wake me up if we were about to die. ((To which he replied, he'd be so kind as to let me sleep through my death, so it would be more peaceful for me, isn't that sweet?? He loves me :))) Anyways...I pass out. In the morning I hear on the radio a tidbit about Edmond not having power, so I call my dad on his cell phone to make sure his power wasn't out and to help them get to work if it HAD gone out. So he's telling me about how everyone's okay and not to worry blahblah...and I'm like whaaaaatever, just wanted to make sure you woke up on time!

Only to find out that so close to their house a tornado had hit. I felt kind of stupid, because it's really only a few miles from here---faaarrrr too close for comfort. I didn't even care lastnight though, so tired!

I made some yummy food lately, but I don't feel up to posting recipes. Maybe I'll put them up some other time. :) :)

I'm currently reading Death is a Lonely Business by Ray Bradbury, which my sister so kindly loaned me. YAY!

OH! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. I know there are small things about yourself you always wish you could change. Mine is usually my hair and my weight, but the hair is always something that frustrates me. I go through billions of shampoos trying to find one that does my hair any good--and let me tell you, I found it! I bought Herbal Essence "None of your Frizziness" and it MADE MY HAIR SHINEY. It cut the frizz in only one use---not PERFECTLY, but soooo much better than it was. I'm sure God loves my hair frizzy, but I don't, so this shampoo has made me happy. :):) Also, there's a body soap called "Tahitian" something by Caress---you don't have to buy it, but at least sniff it the next time you're wandering through the soap section. It's so yummy!

I'm going to bed now. <3


Sandra said...

LOL at you not caring about the tornado.

We've missed you guys, wish you lived closer so we could hang out on the weekends.

I'll have to give that shampoo a try, I need to cut back on my frizz too it irks me to no end.

Love ya guys,

Mike Golch said...

sorry that you live in the deadaded"tornado alley" area.I have been luck in the fact that there has not been a stong tornado to hit cleveland in a hell of a long time.the last time a bad one hit I was 2 years ols and liveing with my parents in the area of cleveland called ohio city. and the twister was near our street to do damange,it even out a car in a tree.