Thursday, April 10, 2008


First tornadoes, now floods?


Well, Amaya turns 3 Saturday. ((Can you believe it Sandra? It's been three years since she was born!! You were the first non-medical person to see her other than Kelly!!! That means you should be excited too. hehehe)) She doesn't seem like she should be that old. It surely hasn't been that long, has it?


Anyways, I have to go get laundry done. It's waiting for me. :


Sandra said...

That's just not right........Nicholas turns 5 tomorrow LOL

I can't believe she's turning 3, it can't be, I still see her as a tiny little adorable baby with her cute little hat on and that dark dark hair peeking out from underneath.

You guys need to move to Arizona LOL

Hugs and love,

Mike Golch said...

here's happy birthday wish for the little one.